©2021 Panther Creek Water District
All Rights Reserved
Hello from your favorite Panther Creek Water District!
Have you joined the thousands of your
friends and neighbors who have
discovered our exciting new way to pay
your water bill?
Well, maybe not “thousands” quite yet, but
It’s easy, it’s fun, and you will want to invite
everyone you know to your very own water
bill paying party. Be sure to have an ample
supply of cold, clear Panther Creek water
on hand for your guests.
Just click on the “Pay Your Bill” button
above. We’ll ask you to give us your name,
and if you don’t want to give us your name,
you can give us any name you want. We’re
not fussy. But do remember what you
entered for the next time you want to pay
your bill. I find it convenient to enter my
wife’s name. That way I can’t blame me for
forgetting to pay the bill in the future. Then
we’ll ask for a password. Use something
that you will remember and can’t easily be
guessed by some dirty dog internet troll
who goes around and pays other peoples
bills for them.
Then the system will ask for your account
number. Thats the simple 2-4 digit number
printed on your bill in numerous places.
The system will show you how much you
owe, which should coincidentally match
what your bill says you owe, and you can
pay that amount or any other amount you
feel inclined to pay.
It’s easy, it’s fun, it saves you a stamp, an
envelope, and a trip out to the mailbox or
post office! You can pay with your handy
debit card, credit card, or by entering your
checking account info (called “E-check”.)
How do you know we got your payment?
Wait a day then call your account back up.
It will show you your new balance which in
theory will be less than your old balance,
....and speaking of mailing out monthly
bills, which we weren’t, We’ll still be doing
that even though postage (like everything
else in our world) has gone up. But we’ll
still be encouraging you to enroll in our “Bill
by Email” program which we’re proud to
announce has been receiving international
acclaim! Well, maybe not so international,
but it has grown nicely here in the ‘hood.
When we email your bill, we save a stamp
and as has been our practice we’ll pass
that savings back to you in the form of a
credit on your account. It saves us paper,
ink, envelope and intensive labor folding
the bill and carrying it to the post office, so
it’s a win-win for both of us. Just send an
email to info@pcwd.email indicating you’d
like to sign on to email billls and we’ll set
you up!
Speaking of Board Meetings, which we also
weren’t, if you would like to sit in on one of
our meetings, it’s really very easy. The
board meets at 4:30 on the second
Tuesday of each month. Just send us an
email to info@pcwd.email and we’ll send
you your very own invitation.
Also, we record our meetings and would
be pleased to provide a copy to you if our
meeting time does not meet your schedule,
or if you simply want to have it for your
grandchildren one day. Just drop us an
email at (guess where?) info@pcwd.email.
Questions? Call us at 541-994-7293. Or
drop us an email at ....yeah that thing