Our Monthly Board Meeting
The Commissioners meet at 4:30 PM on the second Tuesday of each month. The public is welcome to attend.
We are going to continue holding meetings remotely in accordance with Gov. Brown’s Executive Order 20-16 via Zoom
until we get past the pandemic. If you would like to sit in on one of our meetings, it’s really very easy. Your personal
invitation is shown below. If you have a computer with camera and mic, use the link provided. If not, you can call one of
the numbers shown and sit in via telephone. You will need to email us at info@pcwd.email if you desire to be heard at
the meeting.
That’s how we’ll know to “un-mute” you when the time comes for public comment. Finally, we record our meetings and
would be very pleased to provide a copy to you if our meeting time does not meet your schedule, or if you simply want
to have it for your grandchildren one day. Just drop us an email at (guess where?) info@pcwd.email. Questions? Call us
at 541-994-7293.
©2021 Panther Creek Water District – All Rights Reserved
If you need help getting started with Zoom CLICK HERE
Passcode: 649052
To enter the meeting simply click the button below and enter the passcode.
You can also enter via telephone by calling the number below and entering
the meeting id and passcode:
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 812 9873 1121
Passcode: 649052